
Thanks, Joy! My problem is to include the wabe-sabi--the let it go gracefully part. Transience and imperfection.

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Thanks, Adelia! Paint is so gratifying; we had that instant hit of satisfaction. I am at this very moment filing papers and entering stuff on a spreadsheet. It's only happening as I'm forcing myself to do half an hour. The feeling at the end is just relief, not delight.

Give me that red door for delight anytime!

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Such a lovely invitation to all of us to practise a Japanese approach to life.

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This is delightful!! To quote Skip, "A brilliant spruce up indeed!!"

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Such a delightful description of what to some might be a mundane activity. It was my great pleasure to share some of that working down the list with you Zoe. Good thing that Kira didn't become inspired to become a canine roller spreading the paint far and wide. Because of your brilliant spruce up, you might have to wear sunglasses in the rain. I can hear the salmon singing "hallelujah" for the fresh water falling from the sky.

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Thanks, Skip. It didn't actually rain nearly as much here as had been forecast, but yes, I'm with you, the salmon need this rain.

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