Yes. Thank you.

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As you know I lost my son in 2014. 10 years yet my heart still clenches and my throat fills with that lump of tears. It has been 7 years since my partner of 40 years left. I am alone in my house. The eaves need cleaning and repairing, my ensuite needs finishing, a door needs re-hanging. I ask myself, 'what will happen today if I don't attend to these things? The answer is, nothing. The sunrise this morning is what is important. Yup, its all relative. xo PS My dog Rascal is the most important being in my life.

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Leslie, thanks for your comment. That's a lot of pain you're carrying. I'm glad you have Rascal as a companion. And good for you for seeing the sunrise this morning; I confess I set my alarm, got up in the dark, lit candles and emptied the dishwasher. Between cups of tea and my morning spiritual practice---I missed the sun rising. Which is pretty funny when I think about it, all this trying to pay attention to the present and getting sidetracked again. Ah well, forgive myself and know I will have more opportunities to practice.

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